
JavaScript Fun

Here I will store all my projects with javascript and p5js. Most likely I will refactor lots of old code — for example I got some old completed Java projects with Applets (facepalm).

The repository contains:

  1. Folder libs with all libraries used.
  2. Folder fonts with a bunch of free fonts.
  3. A file called server.sh to host a simple local server, this requires Python3 to run. I don’t know if it works on Windows.
  4. Project folders.
  5. .gitignore - includes folders testing and SORT THIS.

Inspired by The Coding Train YouTube channel.

GitHub Pages

This repo also has its own github page, meaning you can test provided javascript apps just by going to https://mike239x.github.io/p5js-projects/the-folder-you-need. Here is the list of some links, I’ll try to keep it updated:

  1. tic-tac-toe
  2. snake
  3. playing with tiles
  4. flocking sim
  5. geode-generator
  6. sity-landscape-generator
  7. travelling-salesman
  8. my-notepad This one is still in development (?).
  9. ODE-painter This one is still in development.